UX Case Study: Transforming Recruitment with an AI-Powered Video Platform

UX Case Study: Transforming Recruitment with an AI-Powered Video Platform


In a world driven by innovation, Impelox Tech set out to reshape recruitment practices by harnessing the power of AI and video technology. Our objective was clear: to develop and launch an AI-based video recruitment product that not only accelerates the hiring process but also fosters fairness and transparency.

In a world driven by innovation, Impelox Tech set out to reshape recruitment practices by harnessing the power of AI and video technology. Our objective was clear: to develop and launch an AI-based video recruitment product that not only accelerates the hiring process but also fosters fairness and transparency.



Our mission was to create a user-centric platform that redefines recruitment experiences. We aimed to provide a seamless and unbiased hiring process while offering real-time interview opportunities for candidates.

Our mission was to create a user-centric platform that redefines recruitment experiences. We aimed to provide a seamless and unbiased hiring process while offering real-time interview opportunities for candidates.


Our overarching goal was to revolutionise the recruitment industry by introducing a cutting-edge AI-powered video platform that streamlines hiring processes, eliminates bias, and enhances candidate experiences.

Our overarching goal was to revolutionise the recruitment industry by introducing a cutting-edge AI-powered video platform that streamlines hiring processes, eliminates bias, and enhances candidate experiences.


Product Designer

User Research, Interaction, Visual design, Prototyping & Testing

User Research, Interaction, Visual design, Prototyping & Testing


How it started

Impelox Tech, a Chennai-based startup, specializes in contextual AI applications. Their vision to revolutionize hiring resonated deeply with my passion for leveraging technology for societal betterment.

Impelox Tech, a Chennai-based startup, specializes in contextual AI applications. Their vision to revolutionize hiring resonated deeply with my passion for leveraging technology for societal betterment.


As the Product/UX Designer, I spearheaded the translation of our vision into a tangible product. Collaborating closely with development teams and stakeholders, I guided the design, development, and implementation phases.

As the Product/UX Designer, I spearheaded the translation of our vision into a tangible product. Collaborating closely with development teams and stakeholders, I guided the design, development, and implementation phases.


Turning an Idea into a Product

Conducted market research and gathered user feedback to refine the product. Iteratively adapted the design to meet evolving user needs.

Conducted market research and gathered user feedback to refine the product. Iteratively adapted the design to meet evolving user needs.

Juggling Multiple Roles

Assumed diverse roles, including product manager, UX designer, and project coordinator.

Gained comprehensive insights into the product landscape and ensured its success.

Assumed diverse roles, including product manager, UX designer, and project coordinator.

Gained comprehensive insights into the product landscape and ensured its success.

Competitive analysis

Conducted thorough research on existing hiring products, focusing on Applicant Tracking Systems and talent assessments. Utilized SWOT analysis to assess current offerings and identify areas for improvement.

Conducted thorough research on existing hiring products, focusing on Applicant Tracking Systems and talent assessments. Utilized SWOT analysis to assess current offerings and identify areas for improvement.

Opportunities and challenges of AI based recruitment platform



Increased efficiency

AI-based recruitment platforms can significantly enhance the efficiency of hiring processes by automating repetitive tasks such as resume screening, candidate sourcing, and interview scheduling. This allows recruiters and hiring managers to focus their time and energy on more strategic and value-added activities.


Cost savings

Automating certain aspects of the hiring process can lead to substantial cost savings for organizations. By reducing the need for manual intervention and streamlining workflows, companies can save on administrative costs, job board fees, and other recruitment expenses.


Improved candidate experience

AI-driven recruitment platforms can enhance the candidate experience by providing quicker response times, personalized communication, and self-service options. Candidates can receive updates on their application status, complete assessments or interviews remotely, and have a smoother overall experience throughout the hiring process.


Enhanced data-driven decision-making

Automation tools can capture and analyze large volumes of data related to candidates, such as application details, assessment results, and interview feedback. This data can be used to identify patterns, assess the effectiveness of recruitment strategies, and make data-driven hiring decisions.


Challenge #1

Technical implementation and integration

Implementing AI-based recruitment tools and integrating them with existing systems and processes can be complex and time-consuming. It requires careful planning, technical expertise, and may involve overcoming compatibility issues with existing HR systems.

Challenge #2

Bias and fairness concerns

AI algorithms are only as unbiased as the data they are trained on. If the historical data used to train the AI system reflects biases or discrimination, it can perpetuate those biases in the hiring process. Care must be taken to ensure that the algorithms and models used in automation are fair and do not discriminate against any candidates based on protected characteristics.

Challenge #3

Lack of human touch

While automation can streamline the hiring process, it may also lead to a lack of personal interaction and human touch, which can impact the candidate experience. Organizations need to strike a balance between automation and maintaining a personalized and engaging hiring process.

Challenge #4

Candidate trust and transparency

The use of automation in hiring may raise concerns among candidates about privacy, data security, and transparency in the selection process. Organizations should be transparent about the use of automation, provide clear information on how candidate data is collected and used, and address any privacy concerns to build trust with candidates.


Qualitative interview

I connected with recruiters, startup founders, and recent graduates to understand their views on hiring. They stressed the need for faster, automated candidate screening to save time and reduce bias. We also discussed concerns about biased hiring practices and stressful interviews. However, everyone agreed that automation could benefit both recruiters and candidates by making the process smoother and fairer. These conversations shaped our approach to developing an AI-powered recruitment platform.

With the knowledge of Design Thinking, understanding of the hiring process and existing hiring automation practices, I conducted a series of interviews. These interviews encompassed a diverse range of participants, including recruiters with three to twelve years of experience, startup founders, and freshers seeking employment.

I connected with recruiters, startup founders, and recent graduates to understand their views on hiring. They stressed the need for faster, automated candidate screening to save time and reduce bias. We also discussed concerns about biased hiring practices and stressful interviews. However, everyone agreed that automation could benefit both recruiters and candidates by making the process smoother and fairer. These conversations shaped our approach to developing an AI-powered recruitment platform.

With the knowledge of Design Thinking, understanding of the hiring process and existing hiring automation practices, I conducted a series of interviews. These interviews encompassed a diverse range of participants, including recruiters with three to twelve years of experience, startup founders, and freshers seeking employment.

Findings from interviews

Interview insight #01

Manual filtering and strategy

Recruiters rely on manual processes, such as boolean searches and personalized strategies, to sort candidates from a large pool. They have developed their own methods based on job titles and previous success patterns. This indicates a need for efficient and automated candidate screening solutions.

Interview insight #02

Biased filtering process

Recruiters' reliance on their own filtering methods to close jobs quickly can introduce bias into the hiring process. This highlights the importance of implementing standardized and objective screening criteria to ensure fairness and equal opportunities for all candidates.

Interview insight #03

Tech-savvy recruiters

Recruiters exhibit a degree of tech-savviness within their current capabilities. They extensively use tools like Excel and are open to adopting new technologies that can help reduce mundane tasks and enhance their efficiency.

Interview insight #04

Need for reduced anxiety

Candidates express anxiety in the traditional interview process, which adversely affects their confidence levels and inhibits their ability to showcase their skills effectively. There is a clear need for a more candidate-friendly and less stressful interview experience.

Interview insight #05

Automation for efficiency

Both recruiters and candidates can benefit from the automation of certain aspects of the hiring process. Automating tasks like resume screening and interview scheduling can help recruiters save time and improve their efficiency. Additionally, candidates can benefit from streamlined processes that provide quicker feedback and a more engaging experience.

Both recruiters and candidates can benefit from the automation of certain aspects of the hiring process. Automating tasks like resume screening and interview scheduling can help recruiters save time and improve their efficiency. Additionally, candidates can benefit from streamlined processes that provide quicker feedback and a more engaging experience.

Building empathy

Using the qualitative data from interviews, I defined the three target group profiles Sarah (Recruiter, Talent Acquisition Manager), John (Recruiter, Founder of a Tech Startup), Emily (Candidate, Software Engineer) to better empathize with my main user groups and prioritize goals according to their needs

Using the qualitative data from interviews, I defined the three target group profiles Sarah (Recruiter, Talent Acquisition Manager), John (Recruiter, Founder of a Tech Startup), Emily (Candidate, Software Engineer) to better empathize with my main user groups and prioritize goals according to their needs


Talent Acquisition Manager

Talent Acquisition


Sarath is an experienced Talent Acquisition Manager at a rapidly growing technology startup. He is responsible for sourcing and hiring top talent to meet the company's hiring needs.

Sarath is an experienced Talent Acquisition Manager at a rapidly growing technology startup. He is responsible for sourcing and hiring top talent to meet the company's hiring needs.

Pain points

Sarath faces challenges in managing a high volume of applications, conducting unbiased evaluations, and scheduling interviews with multiple stakeholders. She is also looking for ways to streamline the onboarding process.

Sarath faces challenges in managing a high volume of applications, conducting unbiased evaluations, and scheduling interviews with multiple stakeholders. She is also looking for ways to streamline the onboarding process.


Sarath aims to find a user-friendly platform that expedites the sourcing and screening process, provides unbiased candidate evaluations, and simplifies interview scheduling and onboarding.

Sarath aims to find a user-friendly platform that expedites the sourcing and screening process, provides unbiased candidate evaluations, and simplifies interview scheduling and onboarding.


Founder of a Tech Startup

John is the founder of a tech startup, and as the CEO, he is actively involved in the hiring process. He is looking to build a strong team of talented individuals to support the company's growth.

John is the founder of a tech startup, and as the CEO, he is actively involved in the hiring process. He is looking to build a strong team of talented individuals to support the company's growth.

Pain points

John struggles with sourcing qualified candidates efficiently, managing multiple stages of the hiring process, and ensuring unbiased decision-making during candidate evaluations.

John struggles with sourcing qualified candidates efficiently, managing multiple stages of the hiring process, and ensuring unbiased decision-making during candidate evaluations.


John seeks a platform that enables him to streamline the hiring process, access a pool of qualified candidates, and make unbiased hiring decisions based on objective criteria.

John seeks a platform that enables him to streamline the hiring process, access a pool of qualified candidates, and make unbiased hiring decisions based on objective criteria.


Software Engineer

Emily is a skilled software engineer actively seeking new job opportunities. She has experience working in various tech companies and is looking for the right fit for her career growth.

Emily is a skilled software engineer actively seeking new job opportunities. She has experience working in various tech companies and is looking for the right fit for her career growth.

Pain points

Emily desires a platform that allows her to showcase her skills through real-time interviews, provides a fair and unbiased evaluation process, and offers transparency throughout the hiring process.

Emily desires a platform that allows her to showcase her skills through real-time interviews, provides a fair and unbiased evaluation process, and offers transparency throughout the hiring process.


Emily desires a platform that allows her to showcase her skills through real-time interviews, provides a fair and unbiased evaluation process, and offers transparency throughout the hiring process.

Emily desires a platform that allows her to showcase her skills through real-time interviews, provides a fair and unbiased evaluation process, and offers transparency throughout the hiring process.

Task model

In order to visualize and make more tangible the individual steps that a user makes during the course and its possibilities, I have created a corresponding task model. And validated with the team, it helped to break the glass ceilings.

In order to visualize and make more tangible the individual steps that a user makes during the course and its possibilities, I have created a corresponding task model. And validated with the team, it helped to break the glass ceilings.

Information architecture

Based on the insights gained from the initial content audits, competitor analyzes and Card Sorts with potential users, I defined the sitemap for the product.

Based on the insights gained from the initial content audits, competitor analyzes and Card Sorts with potential users, I defined the sitemap for the product.

Key features

AI video questions

AI video questions

AI JD (job description) assistant

AI JD (job description) assistant

AI report for video interviews

AI report for video interviews

Browser plugin to filter candidates from existing job boards

Browser plugin to filter candidates from existing job boards

Candidate grouping based on skillls

Candidate grouping based on skillls

Bulk import candidates from ATS and CSV file

Bulk import candidates from ATS and CSV file

Resume score and summary (Job description vs resume) Which helps recruiter to remember their initial requirement.

Resume score and summary (Job description vs resume) Which helps recruiter to remember their initial requirement.

Top 5 candidates will listed based on the video interview and resume score. Also system evaluates the comments from hiring team

Top 5 candidates will listed based on the video interview and resume score. Also system evaluates the comments from hiring team

Suggestive question bank for each interviews based on selected candidates skill and job description.

Suggestive question bank for each interviews based on selected candidates skill and job description.

Wireframes, prototype & usability-testing



Context based navigation system

Context based navigation system

Based on the context on the screen It will guides the users for next step

Based on the context on the screen It will guides the users for next step

Contextual generative AI footer


Context based navigation system

Context based navigation system

Based on the context on the screen It will guides the users for next step

Based on the context on the screen It will guides the users for next step

Contextual generative AI footer

Contextual generative AI footer


What worked

User can understand the flow and realizes that this product solving my problem. Key features created a wow factor.

User can understand the flow and realizes that this product solving my problem. Key features created a wow factor.

What didn’t worked

User finds difficult to navigate next step and felt hard to remember “where am I”. Because of the non conventional navigation method it increased the cognitive load to the users.

User finds difficult to navigate next step and felt hard to remember “where am I”. Because of the non conventional navigation method it increased the cognitive load to the users.

Iteration based on insights from usability testing


This time we intended to stay within the limits of users “MENTAL_MODEL”, so we’ve implemented conventional navigation methods Instead of using contextual AI in footer, we incorporated the contextual AI in Filters.

This time we intended to stay within the limits of users “MENTAL_MODEL”, so we’ve implemented conventional navigation methods Instead of using contextual AI in footer, we incorporated the contextual AI in Filters.

Iterated Wireframes

Key Takeaways

Prioritize user-centric design and iterative development.

Embrace innovation and collaboration to overcome challenges.

Foster transparency and fairness in recruitment practices.

Strive for continuous improvement to meet evolving user needs and industry standards.

Prioritize user-centric design and iterative development.

Embrace innovation and collaboration to overcome challenges.

Foster transparency and fairness in recruitment practices.

Strive for continuous improvement to meet evolving user needs and industry standards.


Following the iteration, a usability testing was conducted, which revealed that users found the navigation to be simple and intuitive. Importantly, the smart filter and analytics reports enabled users to find the best fit for their needs in a significantly faster manner.

Practice session in candidates interview module increases the confident level but there is an area of improvement in this module.

This project designed and developed in 4 months and now the AI part is in progress.

Few start-ups and established companies are waiting in the wish list to use this product.

Our journey to develop an AI-powered video recruitment platform has been marked by innovation, collaboration, and a commitment to user-centric design. By addressing key challenges and leveraging emerging technologies, we have reshaped the recruitment landscape, paving the way for a more efficient, transparent, and inclusive hiring process.

Following the iteration, a usability testing was conducted, which revealed that users found the navigation to be simple and intuitive. Importantly, the smart filter and analytics reports enabled users to find the best fit for their needs in a significantly faster manner.

Practice session in candidates interview module increases the confident level but there is an area of improvement in this module.

This project designed and developed in 4 months and now the AI part is in progress.

Few start-ups and established companies are waiting in the wish list to use this product.

Our journey to develop an AI-powered video recruitment platform has been marked by innovation, collaboration, and a commitment to user-centric design. By addressing key challenges and leveraging emerging technologies, we have reshaped the recruitment landscape, paving the way for a more efficient, transparent, and inclusive hiring process.

Rupan Balaji

Rupan Balaji